Kyoto Women's University Academic Information Repository >
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Showing results 197 to 216 of 3366
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 31-Mar-2008 | Paul Auster, City of Glassにおける「偶然」の表すもの | 福田, 泰子; Fukuda, Yasuko |
| 31-Mar-2007 | Paul AusterのThe Locked Roomにおいて語られない結末の意味について | 福田, 泰子; Fukuda, Yasuko |
| 20-Nov-1973 | PCBの毒性の病理学的研究 | 宇内, 玄; Udai, Gen; 岡部, 悦子; Okabe, Etsuko; 関, あや子; Seki, Ayako; 武田, くらら; Takeda, Clara; 丸若, 和子; Maruwaka, Kazuko; 邑上, 多恵子; Murakami, Taeko; 森川, 順子; Morikawa, Junko; 山本, 理子; Yamamoto, Michiko |
| 10-Feb-2003 | Peace and Development | BAKOS, Gabor |
| 6-Jul-1960 | pH値による魚類鮮度鑑定の一新法について | 足立, 晃太郎; 下村, 佐和子; 亀井, 光子 |
| 14-Jan-2022 | Potential usefulness of 75-g oral glucose tolerance test using the flash glucose monitoring system in a comprehensive medical examination | Akamine, Momoko; Uotani, Nao; Fukunaga, Yasutomo; Ida, Midori; Saito, Yoko; Nishikawa, Hiroyuki; Ao, Misora; Miyoshi, Kiho; Miyawaki, Takashi; 赤嶺, 百子; 魚谷, 奈央; 福永, 康智; 井田, みどり; 齋藤, 陽子; 西河, 浩之; 青, 未空; 三好, 希帆; 宮脇, 尚志 |
| 30-Mar-2001 | Privatizing and Liberalizing Electricity, The Case of Hungary. | BAKOS, Gábor |
| 15-Mar-2021 | Quantifying : Fuzzy categories and non-regularity in English | Campbell-Larsen, John |
| 10-Feb-2019 | R. シューマン《ダヴィッド同盟舞曲集》Op. 6 における音楽語法の基礎的考察 : フロレスタンとオイゼビウスの観点から | 土居, 知子 ; DOI, Tomoko |
| 10-Feb-2017 | R. シューマン《ユーゲントアルバム》Op. 68をめぐる一考察(Ⅰ) : 包括的な学びへと導くピアノ指導法を探る | 土居, 知子 ; DOI, Tomoko |
| 31-Dec-2013 | Reappearing Gender Bias in the Employment Discrimination Cases : A Cause for Gender Training for the Judiciary in Japan | MINAMINO, Kayo |
| 25-Dec-2021 | Recipient design in reported speech : How reporters manage the entry into and progress through reported interaction | John, Campbell-Larsen |
| 1-Feb-2022 | Relationship between the Active Range of the Shoulder Joint and Necessary Ease for the putting-on motion of a Jacket for Improved Clothing Design | Watanabe, Keiko ; 渡邊, 敬子 |
| 31-Dec-2022 | Relationship between the number of atherosclerosis risk factors and body composition classification including skeletal muscle mass | Hotta, Yuuki; Wada, Moeki; Akamine, Momoko; Miyawaki, Takashi |
| 31-Dec-2022 | Repeated Starvation Leads Fat Accumulation in Caenorhabditis elegans | Yamamoto, Rena; Yamamoto, Kanae; Sato, Nao; Shimojitosho, Satomi; Yamamoto, Sayuri; Sawanaga, Akari; Matsumoto, Shinya |
| 25-Dec-2020 | Reported speech : Optionality and constraints in choosing how to report an utterance | Campbell-Larsen, John |
| 31-Mar-2003 | Returning to the Roots : Lawrence and Lady Chatterley | Nakada, Tomoko |
| 31-Mar-2006 | Roughing ItにおけるペルソナとしてのMark Twain | 木村, 仁美; Kimura, Hitomi |
| 30-Nov-2015 | RubyコミュニティとRails Girls : オープンソースを支えるコミュニティと運動 | 丸野, 由希; MARUNO, Yuki |
| 1-Feb-2013 | R研究所棟新築移転 | 田中, 清 |
Showing results 197 to 216 of 3366