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Showing results 204 to 223 of 3366
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Mar-2021Quantifying : Fuzzy categories and non-regularity in EnglishCampbell-Larsen, John
10-Feb-2019R. シューマン《ダヴィッド同盟舞曲集》Op. 6 における音楽語法の基礎的考察 : フロレスタンとオイゼビウスの観点から土居, 知子; DOI, Tomoko
10-Feb-2017R. シューマン《ユーゲントアルバム》Op. 68をめぐる一考察(Ⅰ) : 包括的な学びへと導くピアノ指導法を探る土居, 知子; DOI, Tomoko
31-Dec-2013Reappearing Gender Bias in the Employment Discrimination Cases : A Cause for Gender Training for the Judiciary in JapanMINAMINO, Kayo
25-Dec-2021Recipient design in reported speech : How reporters manage the entry into and progress through reported interactionJohn, Campbell-Larsen
1-Feb-2022Relationship between the Active Range of the Shoulder Joint and Necessary Ease for the putting-on motion of a Jacket for Improved Clothing DesignWatanabe, Keiko; 渡邊, 敬子
31-Dec-2022Relationship between the number of atherosclerosis risk factors and body composition classification including skeletal muscle massHotta, Yuuki; Wada, Moeki; Akamine, Momoko; Miyawaki, Takashi
31-Dec-2022Repeated Starvation Leads Fat Accumulation in Caenorhabditis elegansYamamoto, Rena; Yamamoto, Kanae; Sato, Nao; Shimojitosho, Satomi; Yamamoto, Sayuri; Sawanaga, Akari; Matsumoto, Shinya
25-Dec-2020Reported speech : Optionality and constraints in choosing how to report an utteranceCampbell-Larsen, John
31-Mar-2003Returning to the Roots : Lawrence and Lady ChatterleyNakada, Tomoko
31-Mar-2006Roughing ItにおけるペルソナとしてのMark Twain木村, 仁美; Kimura, Hitomi
30-Nov-2015RubyコミュニティとRails Girls : オープンソースを支えるコミュニティと運動丸野, 由希; MARUNO, Yuki
1-Feb-2013R研究所棟新築移転田中, 清
31-Mar-2003Scholars, Gypsies, Poets, and Priests : George Borrow, Matthew Arnold, and the romance of the marginsHyde, George M.
8-Mar-2024SDGsの実現に向けた花ブロックの教材化の価値坂井, 武司; 赤井, 秀行; 森, 力; 屋良, 真弓; 野原, 太一; SAKAI, Takeshi; AKAI, Hideyuki; MORI, Chikara; YARA, Mayumi; Nohara, Taichi
31-Dec-2023Seeing both the wood and the trees : A micro/macro description of interactional competence development in L2 English learningCampbell-Larsen, John
31-Mar-2012Sense and Sensibilityにおけるシスターフッド武田, 美保子; Takeda, Mihoko; 渡部, 祥子; Watanabe, Shoko
15-Mar-2021Shakespeare : pantheist, heretic, defender of the Divine FeminineKimura, Marianne
28-Jan-2003Should we be teaching our students the pronunciation of English as an International Language?DORJI, Louisa
15-Mar-2019SNSは人間関係を変えたのか?正木, 大貴; MASAKI, Daiki
Showing results 204 to 223 of 3366
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