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Showing results 240 to 259 of 3366
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Mar-2013The Gender Politics of Eating in To the LighthouseOnishi, Yoshie
30-Mar-2001The Idea of CompassionYOKOTA, John S.; YOKOTA, Shunji
27-Dec-2005The Immoral Individual and the Even More Immoral Society : Reinhold Niebuhr's Notion of Christian RealismYOKOTA, Shunji; 横田, 俊二
31-Mar-2007The Innocents Abroadの語り手木村, 仁美; Kimura, Hitomi
15-Mar-2017The Picture of Dorian Gray における支配/被支配北田, 沙織; Kitada, Saori
31-Mar-2010"The Sense of My Continuity" : エドマンド・ウィルソン「60歳になった著者」について中村, 紘一; Nakamura, Koichi
25-Dec-2005The Sound Sense of Poetry : Reading TechniquesRobinson, Peter
15-Mar-2017The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde における媒介としての身体中村, 晴香; Nakamura, Haruka
25-Dec-2019The theoretical‘turn’to the material in the humanities : spooky power and ‘shadowy presence’Kimura, Marianne
15-Mar-2015The Transparent Lie of H. G. Wells' The Invisible ManGordon, Jan B.
31-Jan-2004The Utah Nippo and World War II : A Sociological ReviewHIGASHIMOTO, Haruo; 東元, 春夫
15-Mar-2022“There is the Sulphurous Pit, Burning, Scalding, Stench” : King Lear is Climate FictionKimura, Marianne
25-Dec-2017“Thou being a goddess, I forswore not thee” : the Divine Feminine in the “Pleasant Conceited Comedie Called Love's Labor's Lost”Kimura, Marianne
25-Dec-2004-th接尾辞と「-み」接尾辞の派生制約高橋, 勝忠; Takahashi, Katsutada
31-Jan-2020Transkulturelle Identitäten im Fremdsprachenunterricht : Über die Aneignung eines neuen Sprach-und Kommunikationssystems unter Relativierung der eigenen kulturell bedingten WahrnehmungsmusterGoto, Marie; 後藤, マリー
25-Dec-2004Travel-Guide Textにおける場所句倒置文と非倒置文について甲斐, 雅之; Kai, Masayuki
22-Mar-2024TS『真実集成』(寂護)・TSP『真実集成釈』(蓮華戒) : Traikālyaparīkṣā( 第21章「三時の考察」) 前半 : 和訳と註解 : TSP 613, 20~624, 15 ad TS 1785~1819秋本, 勝; AKIMOTO, Masaru
1-Mar-2018Turn taking in learner conversationCampbell-Larsen, John
25-Dec-2021“Turning Witch” : the beginning,middle and end of Christianity allegorized in The Comedy of ErrorsKimura, Marianne
25-Dec-2020“‘Twere to consider too curiously to consider so” : a shadowy parallel play in “Hamlet”Kimura, Marianne
Showing results 240 to 259 of 3366
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