Kyoto Women's University Academic Information Repository >
紀要論文(Bulletin Paper) >
食物学会誌 >
第74号(2019-12-26) >
タイトル: | 動脈硬化リスクとしての骨格筋量の減少 |
その他のタイトル: | Decrease in skeletal muscle mass as an atherosclerosis risk factor |
著者: | 和田, 萌希 堀田, 侑希 赤嶺, 百子 青, 未空 西河, 浩之 福永, 康智 谷口, 隆司 佐藤, 哲也 宮脇, 尚志 Wada, Moeki Hotta, Yuuki Akamine, Momoko Ao, Misora Nishikawa, Hiroyuki Fukunaga, Yasutomo Taniguchi, Takashi Sato, Tetsuya Miyawaki, Takashi |
キーワード: | skeletal muscle body composition atherosclerosis health check-up |
発行日: | 2019年12月26日 |
出版者: | 京都女子大学食物学会 |
抄録: | Objective: We investigated the relationship between skeletal muscle mass and atherosclerosis risks and determined a cut-off point of muscle mass percentage and atherosclerosis risk by gender. Methods: The study included 4,392 untreated men and 1,116 untreated women who underwent a health checkup. We obtained body composition, blood pressure and blood samples after an overnight fast. Skeletal muscle mass was assessed using a bioelectrical impedance method. Hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes were defined as atherosclerosis risks. We used percentage of muscle mass as the skeletal muscle mass (%SM). Multiple linear regression analysis was performed for %SM, waist circumference, BMI, percentage of body fat, and age as independent variables, and the number of risks as a dependent variable. ROC analysis was performed to determine the cut-off point of %SM for determining two or more numbers of atherosclerosis risks. Results: The average levels of %SM in the subjects were 32.4±2.3% in men, and 26.4±2.3% in women, respectively. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that %SM significantly contributed to the risk for atherosclerosis, followed by age and BMI. ROC analysis showed that the optimal cut-off point of %SM was 32-33% in men and 25-26% in women for determining two or more numbers of atherosclerosis risks. Conclusions: It was suggested that there was a significant relation between a decrease in skeletal muscle mass and atherosclerosis, independent of body composition and age. We also noted a gender difference in terms of the relation of the level of muscle mass decrease and atherosclerosis risk. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11173/2951 |
JaLC DOI: | info:doi/10.69181/2951 |
出現コレクション: | 第74号(2019-12-26)