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紀要論文(Bulletin Paper) >
食物学会誌 >
第55号(2000-12-10) >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/1391

タイトル: 糖尿病外来患者の食事とライフスタイルの特徴
その他のタイトル: The characteristics of diet and lifestyle in outpatients with diabetes mellitus
著者: 山口, 敦子
Yamaguchi, Atsuko
小西, 美幸
Konishi, Miyuki
齊藤, 昇
Saito, Noboru
発行日: 2000年12月10日
出版者: 京都女子大学食物学会
抄録: The aim of this study was to clarify the relationship between dietary intake or lifestyle and blood sugar control in diabetic outpatients. In this study 186 outpatients (136 males and 50 females) were recruited, who had been treated only with diet for controlling blood sugar. Three months to 12 years after a dietician counseled dietary therapy to diabetic outpatients, the effects were evaluated by both calculating the energy intakes and inquiring the questionnaires. By the criteria of Japan diabetic society for 75 g OGTT, diabetic, borderline and normal types were diagnosed. Outpatients brought themselves dietary records for the preceding 3 days every visiting the clinic.Fasting blood samples were obtained early in the morning for measuring biochemical parameters.Energy intakes of outpatients were calculated using both the exchangeable food table for diabetic patients and 5th revised Japan food table. Then, the questionnaires were inquired to outpatients by dieticians. During the observed periods until 36 months, good controls (100 to 119 mg/dl of FBS) were shown 6 months after in males and 9 months after in females. Poor control was more in males compared to females. In the cases of 1600 kcal per day of energy intakes, males ate more food rich in protein and energy, while females did more food rich in carbohydrate and vitamins with comparatively well-balanced nutrients. These well-balanced diets contributed to good control. Males drank alcohols very often, and females took sweets more, causing probably the disturbed control of blood sugar. The discrepancy of the calculated energy between above two food tables was approximately 70 kcal, showing more with Japan food table. Through counseling to outpatients by both physicians and dieticians, the frequency of physical movement increased from 25% in the initial to 60% in the final period. As an improvement of lifestyle, cigarette smoking decreased from 40 to 28% in frequency in males, and from 10 to 3% in females. From these findings, the counseling to outpatients in the clinic was beneficial to improve blood sugar control and lifestyle.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/1391


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