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紀要論文(Bulletin Paper) >
食物学会誌 >
第07号(1959-12-12) >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/1005

タイトル: 食品の官能検査に関する研究
その他のタイトル: Studies on the sensory test of foods
著者: 岡部, 巍
OKABE, Takashi
郡, 敏子
KŌRI, Toshiko
発行日: 1959年12月12日
出版者: 京都女子大学食物学会
抄録: Conceerning the recent trend of marked advances in the sensory tests of foods in various fields, the auther has taken up this subject as a topic of summer seminar to give a review and some tests. The results of these tests are given, where the participants are all female aged 18-49 whose profession is largely teacher and the large part of the remainder college student. 1. Classification of taste perception has been performed on all the 40 participants according the method of Fox by the use of PTC-Na benzoate. In this test, six types have been detected, namely, bitter-sweet, bitter-tasteless, bitter-bitter, bitter-sour, tasteless-sweet, and tasteless-bitter, and the numbers are, respectively, 18,10,, 3,3, and 1, It has been noted in the present tests that the bitter-sweet type is the largest and that the tastsblind occupies 10%. There have been observed no marked correspondence between the preperence in regard to sweetness and bitterness and the taste perception type, or between the seneibility and the taste perception typer. 2. Two kinds of multi-component seasoning (Sogo-chomiryo) and fish-meat ham have been used to test the prefence of the participants, and the results are classified into the taste perception type in an attemp to find specific correlation, but there are found none in particura. Consideration has bene given, in the next place, in each of the taste-blind group and the one which is not. There are slight difference in the typings between the two groups but there are no common trend on the food samples. No significant difference has been observed between the two groups in the average values in the test for deliciousness. 3. It has been reported that the order and experience of food-taking influence on the judgement of taste, but the present tests on the multi-component seasonings has shown that they make no great factors in determining taste.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/1005


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