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養護・福祉教育学研究 >
第02号(2024-02-19) >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/3816

Title: 社会的養護に関する養護教諭の意識調査
Other Titles: Survey on the awareness of Yogo teachers concerning social care
Authors: 大川, 尚子
鈴木, 依子
髙橋, 遥香
古川, 惠美
長谷川, 法子
石﨑, 優子
Okawa, Naoko
Suzuki, Yoriko
Takahashi, Haruka
Furukawa, Emi
Hasegawa, Noriko
Ishizaki, Yuko
Keywords: social care
Yogo teachers
foster parents
half coming-of-age ceremony
classes on upbringing
Issue Date: 19-Feb-2024
Publisher: 京都女子大学発達教育学部教育学科養護・福祉教育学専攻
Abstract: In this study, we mailed anonymous self-administered questionnaires to all elementary and junior high schools in Prefecture A and was combined with a Google Forms questionnaire to clarify the state of awareness of school nurse-teachers regarding social care. The questionnaire survey revealed the following results :1. Comparing the knowledge and understanding of children with social care between elementary school and junior high school, we found that elementary school Yogo teachers had a higher level of understanding in the four categories of “nurturing foster parents,” “specialized foster parents,” “adoption foster parents,” and “relative foster parents.” A higher percentage of elementary school teachers have knowledge about these items, and there was no difference in years of experience as a Yogo teacher between Yogo teachers in elementary schools and those in junior high schools. 2. There were no differences in knowledge and understanding of children with social care depending on whether the school where they worked had children from foster families or children attending welfare facilities such as children’s homes. 3. Comparing classes on upbringing (including events and sex education) between elementary schools and junior high schools, elementary schools were more likely to offer such classes. 本研究では,養護教諭の社会的養護に関する意識の在り方を明らかにすることを目的に,A 県の全小中学校を対象として無記名自記式の質問用紙を郵送し,Google Forms のアンケートと合わせ調査を実施した。質問紙調査では,以下のことが明らかとなった。1 小学校と中学校で社会的養護についての知識・理解を比較すると,「養育里親」,「専門里親」,「養子縁組里親」,「親族里親」の4つの項目において,小学校の養護教諭の方が知っている割合が高く,養護教諭としての経験年数には差がみられなかった。2 勤務校における里親家庭の子どもの有無や児童養護施設などの福祉施設から通う子どもの有無と社会的養護についての知識・理解には差がみられなかった。3 小学校と中学校で生い立ちに関する授業(行事・性教育も含め)等について比較すると,小学校の方が実施している割合が高かった。
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/3816
JaLC DOI (DOI link of Japan Center): info:doi/10.69181/3816
Appears in Collections:第02号(2024-02-19)

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