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生活造形 >
第68号(2023-03-07) >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/3761

タイトル: イズムと書物 : 思想のパッケージとしてのブックデザイン
その他のタイトル: Isms and Books : Book design as a package of idea
著者: 二瓶, 晃
Nihei, Akira
発行日: 2023年3月7日
出版者: 京都女子大学生活造形学科
抄録: Book design is generally associated with the design of a book’s cover, binding, printing techniques, and other external appearance. However, the essence of the act of making a book cannot be measured only by its appearance. The technology of letterpress printing was invented in the 15th century. And through the printing technology revolution of the 19th century, it provided artists with new venues for expression. Avant-garde artists of the early 20th century focused their attention on the book as a medium. They actively utilized the communicative power of books. Their ideals and ideas became widely understood through book design. Through books, they not only presented their works, but also sharpened their own ideas. In addition, the “art magazines” published in the early 20th century were highly formative, reaffirming the high level of interest in book design at that time. Book design is a “package of ideas,” an essential act for the maturation and deepening of modern society.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/3761
JaLC DOI: info:doi/10.69181/3761


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