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紀要論文(Bulletin Paper) >
養護・福祉教育学研究 >
第01号(2023-02-23) >
タイトル: | ヤングケアラーへの認識 : 家庭内役割を担うこととの関連について |
その他のタイトル: | Recognition of young carers : Relationship with Playing a Role in the family |
著者: | 鈴木, 依子 Suzuki, Yoriko |
キーワード: | young carers a role in the family good family relationships self-actualization |
発行日: | 2023年2月23日 |
出版者: | 京都女子大学発達教育学部教育学科養護・福祉教育学専攻 |
抄録: | The aim of this study was to examine how the roles they have experienced in the home have influenced the perception of young carers. About 70% of the subjects had experience doing housework on behalf of their family members, but most of them helped for about 1~3 hours a week, commensurate with their age and level of growth. The reasons for this were also relatively positive, such as building good family relationships and self-actualization. Therefore, it tends to be difficult to recognize as a young carer who does housework on behalf of the family. There was a significant difference in the relationship between general recognition of young carers and time spent playing a role in the home for elementary school students. Regarding the care of siblings and the care of grandparents, the longer the subjects themselves took care of their family members, the more they answered, “It is better as part of discipline.” In terms of the time spent in the family role and whether they were a young carer, those who perceived themselves as young carers spent more time taking care of themselves on behalf of their family members. |
URI: | |
JaLC DOI: | info:doi/10.69181/3729 |
出現コレクション: | 第01号(2023-02-23)