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養護・福祉教育学研究 >
第01号(2023-02-23) >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/3616

タイトル: 放課後等デイサービスの児童生徒に対する睡眠と疲労の客観的健康評価
その他のタイトル: Objective health assessment of sleep and fatigue for children in after-school day care services
著者: 大川, 尚子
長谷川, 法子
福田, 早苗
藤岡, 弘季
治部, 哲也
小山, 秀之
網代, 沙織
竹田, 達生
水野, 敬
倉恒, 弘彦
Okawa, Naoko
Hasegawa, Noriko
Fukuda, Sanae
Fujioka, Hiroki
Jibu, Tetsuya
Koyama, Hideyuki
Amishiro, Saori
Takeda, Tatsuo
Mizuno, Kei
Kuratsune, Hirohiko
キーワード: after-school day care services
fatigue state
autonomic nervous system
sleep-wake rhythm
発行日: 2023年2月23日
出版者: 京都女子大学発達教育学部教育学科養護・福祉教育学専攻
抄録: In recent years, as a result of changes taking place in their living environments, children are going to sleep later. In step with those changes, a larger number of children are sleeping fewer hours. As sleep deprivation becomes routine, children’s life habits are disrupted and excessive fatigue accumulates, eventually beginning to adversely affect school life and physical and mental growth and development. We conducted a study on sleep and fatigue in children who attend after-school day care services, with the aim of using the resulting information in health education relating to sleep and fatigue in childhood. As a result of comparing children attending after-school day care services with general children, children attending after-school day care services had significantly higher mental fatigue scores and total fatigue scores in the subjective symptom survey. In the sleep-wake rhythm analysis, children attending after-school day care services showed a decrease in daytime activity, an increase in the number of naps, and an increase in the number of awakenings at night, as well as lower sleep efficiency, but significantly longer sleep duration. Autonomic function analysis showed that Log LF, indicating sympathetic and parasympathetic activity, and Log (LF/HF), indicating relative sympathetic tone, were significantly higher in the after-school day service children.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/3616


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