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京女法学 >
第22号(2022-10-31) >
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Title: | 株式の併合による少数株主の締出しと株主総会決議の瑕疵 : 札幌地判令和3・6・11金判1624号24頁 |
Other Titles: | The Split Squeeze-out of Minority Shareholders by Reverse Share and the Defect of a Shareholders’ Meeting : Judgment of Sapporo District Court, 11th June 2021 |
Authors: | 桜沢, 隆哉 SAKURAZAWA, Takaya |
Keywords: | 株式併合 少数株主の締出し 株主総会決議の瑕疵 |
Issue Date: | 31-Oct-2022 |
Publisher: | 京都女子大学法学部 |
URI: | |
JaLC DOI (DOI link of Japan Center): | info:doi/10.69181/3599 |
Appears in Collections: | 第22号(2022-10-31)
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