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現代社会研究科論集:京都女子大学大学院現代社会研究科紀要 >
第14号(2020-03-15) >
タイトル: | 医療問題解決型コミュニケーションにおけるアクセシビリティおよびペイシェント・セントリシティの検証 : 医療施設内外の患者相談サービスを事例として |
その他のタイトル: | Verification of accessibility and patient-centricity of problem-based medical communication models : Citing two examples of patient counseling inside and outside medical facility |
著者: | 吉村, 理津子 YOSHIMURA, Ritsuko |
キーワード: | 医療問題解決型コミュニケーション アクセシビリティ ペイシェント・セントリシティ 患者相談 problem-based medical communication accessibility patient-centricity patient counselling |
発行日: | 2020年3月15日 |
出版者: | 京都女子大学 |
抄録: | A problem-based medical communication model is a method to solve a medical issue by the involvement of a third party. Those that have domestically become known include the healthcare mediation and ethics consultation both of which originated in the U.S. Also here in Japan, other than the general in-hospital patient counselling, there are a variety of Japan-specific patient support services; one is an external patient counseling led by a local government, another is an external telephone counselling conducted by a patient support group, and the other is an in-hospital patient counseling counter operated by certified citizen volunteers. These models share a common goal of solving a medical issue through the intervention of a third party and rescuing the persons concerned, and therefore, they have to be equipped with the properties of “accessibility” and “patient-centricity” at the same level of the usual healthcare services, such as treatment, nursing and/or caring. This research note first reviews how these two properties have been defined in the realm of healthcare, and next verifies whether or not these are properly characterized in the practices of the two kinds of patient counselling services taking place in and out of the medical facilities. |
URI: | |
JaLC DOI: | info:doi/10.69181/3017 |
出現コレクション: | 第14号(2020-03-15)