Kyoto Women's University Academic Information Repository >
紀要論文(Bulletin Paper) >
生活造形 >
第65号(2020-02-03) >
タイトル: | ヴォーリズ設計の吉田家住宅に関する研究 : インテリアと家具の特徴 |
その他のタイトル: | A Study on Yoshida House designed by W. M. Vories : Characteristics of its interior space and furniture |
著者: | 片山, 勢津子 Katayama, Setsuko |
発行日: | 2020年2月3日 |
出版者: | 京都女子大学生活造形学科 |
抄録: | Yoshida House (1913) is an early work produced by William Merrell. Vories as a model house. It has a simple and rational room planning characterized by the style before and after the War of American Independence. A Japanese guesthouse with a thatch-roofed tea room was added as an outbuilding to it, which is compatible with the change of life. As a result of actual surveying, it proved to be builded by two-by-four construction and Japanese traditional measuring system and use American building materials. Among surviving furniture, valuable and various furniture were confirmed, such as Bruno Taut’s furniture, Western furniture produced in Japan, craftsman style furniture, reimported furniture and furniture of English origin. |
URI: | |
JaLC DOI: | info:doi/10.69181/2986 |
出現コレクション: | 第65号(2020-02-03)