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紀要論文(Bulletin Paper) >
生活造形 >
第64号(2019-02-04) >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/2877

Title: 宿泊施設の安全性と生活環境の安心 : 住宅宿泊事業法と建築基準法の齟齬
Other Titles: A Study on Safety of the Lodging Facilities and Maintaining Well Living Environment Discrepancy on the Japanese Building Act and Guesthouse Law
Authors: 北尾, 靖雅
Kitao, Yasunori
Issue Date: 4-Feb-2019
Publisher: 京都女子大学生活造形学科
Abstract: Tourism is expanding worldwide because of improving the transportation system and is used for the enhancing economy activities in the countries. In order to accept the tourists, there will be the needs of building hotels, lodges, and guesthouses in the local area. The problem is that the destination of the tourists is concentrated. Kyoto is an old city in which many tourists hope to visit and stay in. Recently investment of hotels and guesthouses occurs living environment problems in Kyoto. At the same time building act and hotel business act in Japan were changed, and the new guesthouse law is promulgated. This paper discusses discrepancies between building act and guesthouse law in terms of safety of the guesthouse/hotels and a peaceful living environment in Japan by using the concrete examples of the case study in Kyoto. As the result the discussion, we point out that the migration of the regulation should not harm the basic safety of the living environment of the local neighborhoods.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/2877
Appears in Collections:第64号(2019-02-04)

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