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紀要論文(Bulletin Paper) >
生活造形 >
第64号(2019-02-04) >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/2876

Title: オランダの産業遺産の保存活用における中間的事業主体
Other Titles: The Intermediate Organization for the Conservation and Utilization of the Modern Industrial Heritage in the Netherlands
Authors: 北尾, 靖雅
Kitao, Yasunori
Issue Date: 4-Feb-2019
Publisher: 京都女子大学生活造形学科
Abstract: This is a note of the research project on the industrial heritage in the Netherlands, aiming to understand the contents, concept and backgrounds of the conservation and utilization of the industrial heritages. In the country, these kinds of projects are generally called adaptable re-use project. There is the concept of creating the circular society behind this type of projects. Then we understand the history of theses industrial heritage and its site together with the city. Furthermore, we understood the social systems that are behind of the projects. The examples of the hermitages in this note, we deal with the examples of De Hallen, NDSM, Strijp-S, and Villa Augustus. As a result of the analysis, we could find three points in order to enhance the conservation and utilization of the industrial heritage without losing historical value. We hope this note gives a clear message to the public in order to enhance the adequate conservation projects for the future.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/2876
Appears in Collections:第64号(2019-02-04)

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