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生活福祉学科紀要 >
第12号(2017-02-09) >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/2406

Title: Evaluation of Activity Level and Leg Function for Elderly Patients with Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease in Community Based Health Promotion Program
Authors: Shimomura, Masaaki
Keywords: Activity Level
Leg Function
Elderly Patients
Ischemic Heart Disease
Community Based Program
Issue Date: 9-Feb-2017
Publisher: 京都女子大学家政学部生活福祉学科
Abstract: Objectives: Lifelong exercise is considered to be beneficial for patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD). In the chronic phase, it is very important that IHD patients continue to exercise according to the guideline. Furthermore, to achieve a significant improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness, approximately 1,400 kcal/week of physical activity has to be expended in patients with IHD at the chronic stage. To achieve target exercise level, leg functions have a big impact for elderly patients. In the present study, we evaluated the activity level and leg functions for elderly patients with IHD in community based cardiac health promotion program. Methods: Activity level and exercise level were calculated. Knee extension muscle strengths were measured for both legs of patients. Leg muscle thicknesses were estimated by B-mode ultrasound method. A total of 22 elderly patients (74.9±5.3 years) , who had participated in community based ling term rehabilitation program. Results: Activity level was 1694.2±143.2 kcal/day and exercise energy expenditure was 1350.1±595.0 kcal/week. Leg muscle thickness was 4.60±0.85 cm (Hamstrings). Knee extension muscle strength was 18.40±10.81kg. Activity level and leg function showed significant relationship (p<0.05~0.01). Conclusions: The results showed that leg function affect on activity level for elderly patients in communitybased cardiac rehabilitation program.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/2406
Appears in Collections:第12号(2017-02-09)

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