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生活造形 >
第60号(2015-02-06) >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/2119

タイトル: 筋負荷および主観評価からみた乳がん術後女性の補整具重量の検討
その他のタイトル: Evaluation of Weight of Breast Pad Worn by Females after Breast Cancer Surgery Considering Muscle Load and Subjective Feeling
著者: 諸岡, 晴美
Morooka, Harumi
佐野, 加永子
Sano, Kaeko
大目木, 幸子
Oomeki, Sachiko
渡邊, 敬子
Watanabe, Keiko
谷田貝, 麻美子
Yatagai, Mamiko
キーワード: 乳がん
Breast Cancer
Breast Pad
Muscle Load
Subjective Feeling
発行日: 2015年2月6日
出版者: 京都女子大学生活造形学教室
抄録: The weight of breast pads worn by women for adjusting the breast shape after the removal of one breast owing to breast cancer surgery was evaluated from the viewpoint of muscle load and subjective feeling. Six females who had undergone breast cancer surgery participated as subjects. We conducted the following experiments: (i) electromyogram (EMG) measurements when using three types of pads made of silicone gel (weight: 189g), urethane foam (36g), and polyester padding (17g), respectively, and (ii) evaluating the subjective feeling when using a polyester pad with weights added in stages. The results showed that the lowest muscle load was observed for the most lightweight polyester pad among the three types of pads. Further, it was observed that the lighter the weight added to the polyester pad, the better is the comprehensive assessment, namely, the first main component obtained by principal component analysis. The balance evaluation did not depend on the breast volume of the healthy side.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/2119


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