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生活福祉学科紀要 >
第04号(2008-02-20) >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/1480

タイトル: 介護事故にみるリスクの本質とサービス範囲の限界
著者: 山田, 健司
Yamada, Kenji
発行日: 2008年2月20日
出版者: 京都女子大学家政学部生活福祉学科
抄録: Back ground: Incalculable accidents on care giving have been appeared at Elderly Home in Japan recently. It might be one of a very tough problems on care giving. It has to be discussed with matters of dramatic Population Macro-dynamics of Japan, also the definition of accident-related care giving because it is loosely defined term in Japan. That why we couldn't find any kind of public report or even a statistic around it. Result: 1)Japanese Government has to define the accident-related care giving as the national definition immediately and declared statistical results. 2)The Administrator or Elderly Home must break down the service revel they supply that if its could be available, and declared it before they make the contract between the care taker or their family and patients. 3)In the situation that Japanese elderly population is growing up repidly, we will have to consider and change the point of that to advocate the right of human being which would have been impossible with institutional care service. Conclusion: Care giving is a sort of labor should be done intensively, as needed, many times at face to face. Therefore institutional service included the limitation to supply the intensive service fundamentally. however the Japanese care giving scene has been depended on institutional care giving with the eugenic trend after World War II. When over 60 years has been passed we might have to make the shift to the field (place) that the advocate service could be possible in near future.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/1480


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