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生活福祉学科紀要 >
第04号(2008-02-20) >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/1470

Title: 社会福祉専門職の援助基盤としての人間観の検討
Other Titles: Examination of the human view as an assistance base of social welfare professionals
Authors: 岡崎, 利治
Okazaki, Toshiharu
Issue Date: 20-Feb-2008
Publisher: 京都女子大学家政学部生活福祉学科
Abstract: It pushes in the literature into which the human view of social welfare was summarized, and a main subject considers positioning of the human view as social welfare professionals. The field of the human science which is not restricted to social welfare has arranged theoretically an individual especially the individual in social-related inside, and existence of an individual in the inside of a relation with the society after becoming democratic society from the society of feudalism further. The is, it is how to understand that individual difference is in how with socienty to be concerned in the relation between an individual and socienty. The thought of social welfare just has "the deep feeling of social solidarity" of the human being as relative existence in the bottom, and when considering the thought of social welfare, it can check the importance of a social veewpoint. The viewpoint of social welfare must stand on the viewpoint of the "whole" called the not "individual happiness" but "social happiness" the Greatest happiness of the greatest number." There is reality "which cannot live together", therefore various social welfare problems and a life problem have arisen. The pursuit about a "happy theory" can be referred to as inescapable in social welfare professionals. I think that the originality of the human view of sicial welfare assistance is there.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11173/1470
Appears in Collections:第04号(2008-02-20)

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