Kyoto Women's University Academic Information Repository >
Browsing by Author カンベルラーセン ジョン
Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 25-Dec-2017 | A typology of reported speech | Campbell-Larsen, John |
| 23-Dec-2022 | Analyzing a student conversation : Glass half full or glass half empty? | Campbell-Larsen, John |
| 14-Mar-2016 | Discourse awareness : Going beyond the sentence | Campbell-Larsen, John |
| 15-Mar-2024 | Existence, negation and negative existentials : The singular/plural distinction in negative existentials in English | Campbell-Larsen, John |
| 15-Mar-2019 | Formulaic language : The case of How about you? | JOHN, Campbell-Larsen |
| 15-Mar-2022 | Interactional competence in L2 learning : Is it taught or activated? | Campbell-Larsen, John |
| 25-Dec-2018 | Lexical non-correspondence in Japanese and English : Adjectives | Campbell-Larsen, John |
| 15-Mar-2023 | North at the top: Cardinal directions in languages, maps, and Hollywood movies | Campbell-Larsen, John |
| 15-Mar-2021 | Quantifying : Fuzzy categories and non-regularity in English | Campbell-Larsen, John |
| 25-Dec-2021 | Recipient design in reported speech : How reporters manage the entry into and progress through reported interaction | John, Campbell-Larsen |
| 25-Dec-2020 | Reported speech : Optionality and constraints in choosing how to report an utterance | Campbell-Larsen, John |
| 31-Dec-2023 | Seeing both the wood and the trees : A micro/macro description of interactional competence development in L2 English learning | Campbell-Larsen, John |
| 1-Mar-2018 | Turn taking in learner conversation | Campbell-Larsen, John |
| 14-Mar-2017 | Verbs of vision and category violations : Why see, look and watch are difficult to define | Campbell-Larsen, John |
| 25-Dec-2016 | You went where? Repair in language teaching and learning | カンベルラーセン, ジョン ; Campbell-Larsen, John |
Showing results 1 to 15 of 15